Our business and family attorneys are full of experience and attentive to the needs of today's clients.
From discrimination and harassment to wrongful termination and breach of contract, employment law issues happen every day in just about every type of business. Henningson & Snoxell provides employment counseling and litigation representation to a wide variety of clients throughout Minneapolis-St. Paul and beyond.
Located in Maple Grove, Minnesota, we offer cost-effective advice and legal representation to large and small businesses alike, including:
With employment laws constantly evolving, Henningson & Snoxell couples extensive experience with keen market knowledge to help our clients stay abreast of the law and prevent potential problems. We are active in the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association Employment Law Committee and the Society of Human Resources Managers and our attorneys frequently speak to organizations and conduct CLEs on a wide variety of employment topics. Our employment lawyers provide proactive advice and counsel on day-to-day employment issues, immigration, affirmative action, compliance, workforce reductions, FMLA, ADA, HIPAA and USERRA issues.
Our attorneys draft and review employment contracts, executive compensation agreements, independent contractor agreements, employee handbooks, severance plans, confidentiality and non-compete agreements. Our attorneys represent clients on employment matters in federal and state courts, as well as tribunals and agencies including the Minnesota Department of Labor, OSHA, EEOC, Minnesota Department of Economic Security and equal employment opportunity agencies.
We highly recommend the firm of Henningson and Snoxell and their seminars. We value quality and excellence in service and that is what Henningson and Snoxell have provided for us. Most importantly, they have helped in giving us peace of mind, and in today’s world that is important.
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Henningson & Snoxell, Ltd.
6900 Wedgwood Road, Suite 200
Maple Grove, MN 55311
(763) 560-5700
Toll-Free: (866) 211-4311