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Medical Assistance Renewals Return to Pre-COVID Rules

05.08.2024 Written by: Rachell L. Henning

Older woman researches medical assistance.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Minnesota’s Department of Human Services (DHS) temporarily paused processing Medical Assistance renewals. The Department resumed processing renewals in 2023 and has been utilizing an unwinding period to complete them more quickly. This unwinding period has allowed participants the option of not providing verification of their assets during the renewal process. This option will no longer be available for renewals due starting in July of 2024. 

Starting in July, individuals who have a renewal for their Medical Assistance benefits will be required to provide verification of their assets with their renewal paperwork. DHS will also be requesting updated and signed AVS (Account Validation Service) forms. This enables the county to utilize the participant’s Social Security number to ping banks nationwide to check for any open or closed accounts in the participant’s name, the other account owners on the account, and the balance of the account on the first of the month. 

It is important to complete and return the renewal notice by the deadline. Failure to do so could result in termination of eligibility for Medical Assistance and a need to reapply for Medical Assistance. Be sure to maintain bank statements and other documentation of assets to be able to timely provide documentation with the completed renewal to avoid unnecessary interruptions in eligibility.

The elder law attorneys at Henningson & Snoxell, Ltd. are knowledgeable in Medical Assistance applications and renewals and can help you navigate the process based upon your individual needs.

Contact us today for assistance.